“Duck”, 2012, by Lama AlTakruri, a public art intervention in Ramallah
Adele Jarrar (PS, 1992) is an independent curator, cultural worker, and researcher with a focus on self-organization, artist-run initiatives, and alternative modes of cultural production. Adele worked as a curator, researcher, and writer with the collective The Question of Funding at Documenta 15 in Kassel, Germany, and was a resident at the Unidee Residency Summer 2022: Sustaining Embedded Arts Practice in Biella, Italy.
Shatterd by by bullets; shiny glass facades
Shitty coffee poured in
environment-friendly cups.
Sports cars on crumbling asphalt
And, high-end brands walking in a seiged air
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A neoliberal dream
A neoliberal lie
Luxury is what it seems
Peripherals are where everything dies
.. . . . . . . o . . O . . . O
Margins are where everything is born
After when,
wishes are torn
But the only real happening is
a thrown stone.
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Every time it
a combat helmet
A poppy
Every time it
a watch tower
An Olive Grove
Every time it
a corporate
A cactus fruit
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