Illustration: Yara Bamieh
Illustration: Yara Bamieh

Illustration: Yara Bamieh

Issue 15 / Nov – Dec 2022

Where There Is Trouble, There Is Agency

There is not a single narrative to being anti-capitalist, anti-patriarchal, anti-colonial, and anti-nationalist. This eclectic issue, like the Kurdish feminist slogan ‘Jin Jiyan Azadi’ (Woman, Life, Freedom), explores accounts on Europe’s attempt to universalize the world according to their own needs with the help of technical ‘innovations’, including the infamous clock; the “impossible” tales of fantastical characters in Palestine; working in the arts under sanctions; and the concept of “consent” and a “new work paradigm” in the era of post-peak attention economy. The issue features contributions by Sinthujan Varatharajah, Shayma Nader, Sami Johani Rekola, Adel Kim, Najia Fatima, Yara Bamieh and others.