Causes of Sleepless Nights
Afraid that NO NIIN becomes exclusive
Afraid that NO NIIN becomes inaccessible
Afraid that NO NIIN is only endorsing and not critiquing
Afraid that NO NIIN is not a thoroughly engaging experience of working together
Afraid that NO NIIN becomes irrelevant
Afraid that our circle becomes smaller
Afraid that our contributors don’t feel valued
Afraid that our contributors feel underpaid
Afraid that our goals and ambitions are not correctly communicated on the website
Afraid that our fears make us unduly self-preservative and conservative overtime
Afraid that our funding won’t get extended
Afraid that we are not visible
Afraid that we are inaccessible
Afraid that we stop moving, watching and being interested
Afraid that we are not held accountable to our goal of criticality
Afraid that we become complacent
Afraid that we are constantly called out
Afraid that we fail in establishing healthy communications