Sam Hultin (b. 1982) is an artist based in Stockholm, Sweden. Their work is based on their interest in queer history, identity and community and explores connections between personal experiences and larger political and social structures. Sam’s work is represented in the collections of Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Gothenburg Museum of Art and Malmö Art Museum.
Eva-Lisa Bengtson (1932–2018) was a Swedish trans pioneer and a lesbian activist who started Sweden’s first club for trans people—Transvestia—in 1964. She was also one of the founders of Kvinnohuset (The Women’s House) in Stockholm, the trans associations Benjamin and FPE-NE, and was active in a number of other lgbtqi organisations. Despite her great importance to the lgbtqi movement, few knew about her work, partly because of the transphobia within the movement, but also because she couldn’t live openly as a trans person in her daily life. In the podcast, Sam Hultin introduces the listener to Eva-Lisa, Transvestia, and Sam’s project, Eva-Lisa’s Monument. In the project, which consists of guided walking tours, collective readings, and anniversaries, Sam invites today’s trans community to activate the archive that Eva-Lisa created during her life as an activist and that Sam took over after Eva-Lisa’s passing.