Illustration by Hafsa Ashfaque
Illustration by Hafsa Ashfaque

Illustration by Hafsa Ashfaque

Issue 20 / Oct 2023

(un)rooted temporalities

NO NIIN Issue 20 brings together (un)rooted temporalities and resistive acts through which we propose our own futurities. We look into how the combination of the internet and religion leads to violent transphobia in Pakistan. In a review of Berlin’s HKW opening exhibition, we ask: What does this new chapter mean for the institution and the city, and does it deliver on its egalitarian promise? The review of Survival Kit 14 asks: What are the guiding principles, ethics, and practicalities of producing a programme that is not fully accessible to the viewers? A review of Love & Anarchy’s African Express—Short Station introduces varied tales from the continent. Conversations with Ani Phoebe, Sasha Huber and Emanuele Coccia explore solidarity work in music spaces and the potential of a political dance floor; remembering and repairing colonial wounds; and the life of plants. The issue concludes with two poems by Abhishek Anicca.